Saturday 4 October 2014

Emil Minlos

Emil Minlos

He was the son of Lübeck businessman Hans Simon Minlos (born October 13, 1799 in Lübeck; † 27 April 1847) and Dorothea Adolphine Friederike Sager(September 2, 1803 in Lübeck, the daughter of Adolph Christopher Sager )
Minlos married 1874, the daughter of his Italian business partner Jose Antonio Montovio, 
Dolores Josefa (* May 4, 1835 in Montoggio; † January 2, 1894 in Berlin). 
A daughter emerged from this marriage, who was to marry the partner of the company 
Minlos, Breuer & Co, Christian Witzke, a. 
 His son Emilio Jose Minlos became a merchant in Bucaramanga, Colombia. 
He collected native birds, killed by Indians and sent his collection of about 800 specimens as 
a gift to the Natural History Museum at am Dom (Lubeck). From this collection Hans von Berlepsch 
described the first two birds, which he named after Emilio Minlos: Thryophilus rufalbus minlosi 1884 
in the Journal of Ornithology [14] and Xenerpestes minlosi (Double-banded greytail) in 1886 in the 
journal Ibis.

In 1858 Minlos was appointed Royal Prussian consul for his knowledge and other good qualities in Maracaibo.
This office he was to hold until 1866.  New German companies were founded in the coffee trade in Maracaibo in the following years, as a way of financing the harvest until its delivery to major European and North American markets.
In the first half of 1872, the house "Minlos, Breuer & Co." was born. The five German houses were listed as the five most important in the country, up to the construction of the Empire State Building.  A strong earthquake shook the region in 1875.


Long before the German government's care of sick or crippled compatriots, the area of ​​state obligations by decree with cover, recognized the need that Minlos had in the field of Public Welfare bedürften and many areas of intervention. After the development of modern commercial life, it was not sufficient to talk only Siechen- and almshouses, but care must already begin earlier.

After he returned to his hometown in 1876 he called there, inspired by the writings of Count Rumford, at the address Fünfhausen 14 at that time a completely unknown institution, bringing the soup kitchen, to life.
They offered, under the direction of the women workers a lunch for little money, together with the drinking compulsion of the time, but the drunkenness had to be avoided. The Board of Lübeck soup kitchen was formed by Ms Ritt shear and woman Eschenburg. In both the "Society for People's Coffee Halls" and in the "Society for Volkskaffee- in the central dining halls.
Likewise, he devoted himself to the efforts to maintain the health of young people, the so-called 
holiday camps. One such home was built thanks to his efforts and foundations on the shore of 
the Baltic Sea.
 Minlos withdrew after the death of his wife and his health deteriorated. 
He spent every summer in the Travemünde Villa in the front row 64 healing from his lung disease 
 For health reasons, he took the reindeer  Berlin to Wiesbaden in 1900.  He died in his beloved 
Travemünde Villa of tuberculosis. 
 Minlos was in the national newspapers, and in almost all Berlin newspapers.  Erbbegräbnis Minlos 
on the Burgtorfriedhof
 He died on September 4, 1901, and was buried by Pastor Trummer, senior pastor of St. Peter's Church, 
in the tomb he had created for himself and his family in the general cemetery.  Not only the Lübeckische, 
but the entire German press praised his services and aspirations for the people's welfare.
 In the week after his death, in the former Minlos'schen house in which since 1891 has the 
"Society for the promotion of community service" their seat, held its 21st annual meeting of the German 
Society for poor relief and charity. The speaker pointed to this fact and paid tribute to the deceased accordingly.
 Emil-Minlos Foundation was dissolved in 1973/74. At the same time her house front row was placed 61 in Travemünde 
after a long debate under monument protection. 
At its gable end still remembers a Inschirft at the Emil Minlos Foundation.Family
Xenerpestes minlosi, named after Emil Minlos' son Emilio Minlos



 La ciudad hanseática de Lübeck

Función histórica

Comercial (metrópoli de la Liga Hanseática).


Lübeck: Altstadt from Trave RiversLübeck: St. Mary's ChurchLübeck: Church of St PeterLübeck: Innenstadt PanoramaLübeck: HolstentorLübeck: InnenhofLübeck: Holstentor


En el istmo de Holstein y a 50 km de Hamburgo, esta ciudad del estuario del Trave se abre sobre el mar Báltico y Europa del norte.

Referencias históricas

  • Desde su fundación por Enrique el León en el sitio de un castrum romano, Lübeck se desarrolla alrededor de una gran plaza de mercado, que tiene forma rectangular.
  • En 1226, bajo del reinado del emperador Federico II, llega a ser ciudad libre e imperial.
  • Ya a la cabeza de factorías, Lübeck es cofundadora, con Hamburgo, del Hansa (1241) - liga de mercaderes alemanes y luego de ciudades, nacida en la época del renacimiento urbano en Occidente y que se asegura el control del comercio marítimo en Europa del norte.
  • El Hansa conoce su apogeo alrededor del siglo XIV. Lübeck es entonces la sede de su Asamblea. La ciudad sigue muy próspera hasta finales del siglo XVI.
  • A raíz de dificultades que surgen a partir del siglo XV y con la aparición de competidores, el Hansa, pese a los esfuerzos de restauración, inicia su lenta decadencia. La Guerra de los Treinta Años (1618-1648) será fatal para ella.

Morfología urbana

Dos ejes longitudinales, que se remontan a la fundación de Lübeck, atraviesan la ciudad encerrada entre ríos. La gran plaza pública, que acoge el mercado y la catedral, es también el lugar del antiguo ayuntamiento. Unas calles de anchuras variables, muchas veces sinuosas, se articulan en torno a esta plaza, aunque se pueden observar algunas irregularidades.
Pese a las destrucciones de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, las reconstrucciones y los reacondicionamientos, la ciudad hanseática de Lübeck ha conservado unas largas hileras de magníficas casas señoriales (siglos XV y XVI) y un barrio monumental en la orilla izquierda del Trave, que son un testimonio de la potencia hanseática (la célebre puerta de ladrillo, la Holstentor, y los almacenes de sal); el corazón de la ciudad medieval ha quedado marcado por los bombardeos de 1942. Del conjunto de la ciudad se desprende una gran armonía de formas y de colores (ladrillo).

Criterios de inscripción

La ciudad de Lübeck, con sus barrios más auténticos, "resume la potencia [comercial] y el papel histórico del Hansa" (IV).


Mr. Bernd Saxe
Mayor of Lubeck
Hansestadt Lübeck
City Hall, Rathaus, Breite Str. 62
D 23 539 Lübeck, Germany
+49.451 122.1001
+49.451 122.1009
Prof. Dr. Manfred Gläser
Responsible for the Department for Preservation of Historical and Archeological Monuments
Hansestadt Lübeck
4.491 Archäologie und Denkmalpflege Königstr. 21
23552 Lübeck, Germany
Mrs. Christine Koretzky
Heritage Management of Luebeck
Hansestadt Lübeck
5.610 Stadtplanung, Mühlendamm 12
23552 Lübeck, Germany
0451/12261 27

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